Event Round-up: Kareo Success Summit 2019

Event Round-up: Kareo Success Summit 2019

The 2019 Kareo Success Summit offered an opportunity to meet the owners and managers of top medical billing companies that we serve. Our CEO, Vinod Sankaran, was joined by our COO Melvin Miller, at the Kareo Success Summit, 2019. As always, the knowledgeable team of Kareo and guest speakers provided industry insights and training to help billing companies succeed.

As a proud silver sponsor of the summit, we got an opportunity to network with industry leaders and share ideas on creating value. Some of the aspects we discussed:

  • Utilizing global delivery in medical billing and coding operations

  • Applying technology and automation to reduce costs to process and improve revenue cycle outcomes

  • Solving problems such as eligibility and authorization

We share with you some pictures from the event.


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